Radio Memories



     First heard as a local program in Chicago during 1930 from station WGN. It was soon picked up by the Blue Network, it aired six times a week from 04/06/31 to 10/30/36.  NBC provided the program from 11/02/36 to 01/19/40 weekdays, and the series moved to Mutual from 01/22/40 to 01/26/42.  This is one series that also had concurrent broadcasts from 1938 to 1938 over both NBC and Mutual.  Ovaltime began sponsorship in 1931 and continued until 1940 when they started sponsoring Captain Midnight.  The role of Annie was played by Shirley Bell from the beginning until 1940 when the lead was changed to Janice Gilbert.  Pierre Andre announced.
(90 Minute Tape)
C06921 10/18/35 #917 Annie's Party
              10/21/35 #918 Jake Sick
              10/22/35 #919 To Work
              10/23/35 #920 Annie's Plan
              06/16/36 #1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniversary
              06/17/36 #1165 Who Shot Tom Baines Dog
C17861 #1018 Selling Stock
              #1019 Tries To Sell To Jake Levy
              #1020 Watching Bridge Being Built
              #1021 2nd Grade Logs Used
C17862 #1026 Tony Arrested
              #1027 Light In Deserted House
              #1038 Bill Corwin Has Disappeared
              #1039 Looking For Bill
C17863 #1066 Bridge Destroyed
              #1067 Telegram For Mr. Silo
              #1068 Prepares For Trip
              #1069 Going To Mississippi
C17864 #1534 Building Radio Transmitter
              #1535 Searching For Annie
              #1536 Queen Of the Island
              #1537 Diamonds
C17865 #1538 Testing Diamonds
              #1539 Hears Radio Signals
              #1554 Temple In the Jungle