Radio Memories



(The Black Poppy Society)
     First heard on radio from 1929 - 1930 as a series of twelve chapter stories, Fu Manchu was presented as a new series on CBS beginning 09/26/32. It ran until 04/24/33 as a 30 minute complete story for each broadcast.  The following episodes are from the third series which began on 05/08/39 and continued until 11/01/39 as a three times a week broadcast.  Starring Hanley Stafford  as Nayland Smith and Gale Gordon as Dr. James Petire.  The series is based on stories by Sax Rohmer.
C05136 05/08/39 # 1 Nayland Smith Enlists Dr. James Petrie
              05/10/39 # 2 A Zayat Kiss For Nayland Smith
              05/12/39 # 3 Cadby & Mason Were Murdered
              05/15/39 # 4 Planning Raid On Chin Yan's
C05137 05/17/39 # 5 Arrive At Red Moat
              05/19/39 # 6 Barking Dog At Red Moat
              05/22/39 # 7 Red Moat's Secret Revealed
              05/24/39 # 8 A Green Mist At Sir Lionel's House
C05138 05/26/39 # 9 How The Green Mist Was Released From Tomb
              05/29/39 #10 Kidnapped Outside Sir Guthrie's Hotel
              05/31/39 #11 On A Train To Save Sir Guthrie
              06/02/39 #12 Smith Captures Karame
C05139 06/05/39 #13 Karame Leaves A Message About Houseboat
              06/07/39 #14 Karame Throws A Message From A Car
              06/09/39 #15 Hashish Switched With Sleeping Pills
              06/12/39 #16 Lord Sotherby Found Dead
C05140 06/14/39 #17 Dr. Petrie Sees Karame's Brother
              06/16/39 #18 Dr. Petrie Injects Karame's Brother
              06/19/39 #19 An Experiment In Fungology
              06/21/39 #20 On Fu's Launch
C05141 06/23/39 #21 Seek Not My Ashes
              06/26/39 #22 Watch Out For The Si-Fan
              06/28/39 #23 The Flower Of Silence
              06/30/39 #24 Si-Fan Kidnaps Nayland Smith
C05142 07/03/39 #25 At John Key's Joy Shop
              07/05/39 #26 Having The Chest Appraised
              07/07/39 #27 The Golden Pomegranates
              07/10/39 #28 Sir Guthrie Kidnapped Again
C05143 07/12/39 #29 Nayland Smith Has A Double
              07/14/39 #30 Karame Has A Bird Net
              07/17/39 #31 Slade Will Sell Out Fu
              07/19/39 #32 Did A Snake Kill Slade?
C05144 07/21/39 #33 The White Peacock
              07/24/39 #34 The Sacred Order Of The White Feacock
              07/26/39 #35 Coughing Horror Attacks Nayland
              07/28/39 #36 Burk Will Sell Slade's Papers
C05145 07/30/39 #37 Smith And Petrie Visit Antique Shop
              08/02/39 #38 Is The Gable House Haunted?
              08/04/39 #39 The Six Gates Of Joyful Wisdom
The following episodes have never before been released!
C15187 08/07/39 #79 Unfinished Note
              08/08/39 #80 Clues Found
              08/09/39 #81 Walking Passageway
              08/10/39 #82 Arab Noticed
C15188 08/14/39 #85 Demands Made
              08/15/39 #86 Shawn Saved
              08/23/39 #93 Interrogated
              08/24/39 #94 Fu Manchu Arrives
C15189 08/30/39 #099 Bow & Arrow Seen
              08/31/39 #100 Shots Fired
              09/04/39 #103 Police Break In
              09/05/39 #104 Hit By Car
C15190 09/06/39 #105 Captured By FuManchu
              09/07/39 #106 Another Abduction
              09/08/39 #107 Suspended Animation
              09/09/39 #108 Threat Delivered
C15191 09/11/39 #109 Trapped
              09/12/39 #110 Entrance Swarmed
              09/13/39 #111 Hurried Escape
              09/14/39 #112 Message Read
C15192 (C-90)
              09/18/39 #115 Female Voice Heard
              09/19/39 #116 Relic Imitations
              09/20/39 #117 Package Opened
              09/21/39 #118 Fu Manchu On Televsion Set
              09/22/39 #119 Drums Heard
              09/23/39 #120 Final Notice Given
C15193 09/25/39 #121 Airplane Takes Off
              09/26/39 #125 Moonlit Boat Ride
              09/27/39 #125 Moonlit Boat Ride
              09/30/39 #126 Fu Manchu Opens Cell Door
C24446 10/02/39 #127 Gas Rleased
              10/03/39 #128 Drums Heard
              10/04/39 #129 Petri Has Attack
              10/05/39 #130 Boulder Pushed Over Cliff
C15194 10/06/39 #131 Fu Manchu's Judgement
              10/10/39 #134 Shots Fired
              10/11/39 #135 Unknown Threat
              10/19/39 #142 Alarm Set Off
C15195 10/20/39 #143 Induction
              10/21/39 #144 Wrong Body In Coffin
              10/23/39 #145 Fu Manchu On Throne
              10/24/39 #146 Fu Manchu Approaching
C15196 10/25/39 #147 Disintegrator Weapon
              10/26/39 #148 Fu Manchu Talks To Smith
              10/27/39 #149 Underground Lagoon
              10/28/39 #150 Climbing To Freedom
C15197 (C-90)
              10/30/39 #151 Top Security Clearance
              10/31/30 #152 Smith Fooled By Fu Manchu
              11/01/39 #153 Caramay Enlisted
              11/02/39 #154 Caramay Frightened
              11/03/39 #155 Fu Manchu Captured
              11/04/39 #156 Fu Manchu Escapes