Radio Memories



Note about audio quality.  Many of the following tapes have a variety of audio quality.
C18575 06/05/39 YY Flirch Tries To Phone Vic
              00/00/42 Phone Call From The Hinks
              08/24/42 Rush's New School Clothes
              09/14/42 Sade & Ruth Come Out Even
C19673 04/08/40 Suing Bijou
              03/25/41 Muddled Money
              11/29/45 Phone Calls
C18241 08/06/42 Christmas Cards COD
              08/18/42 Attic Cleaning
              04/07/44 Solo March
C17877 03/12/42 Tea Shoppe
              09/18/42 Fred Becomes Ted
              06/08/42 Letter From Bess
              02/15/43 Letter From Chuck
               ??/??/?? Scrap Drive
              10/20/42 Concrete Floor

C18576 12/07/42 Wants To Break Up Lee Street
              01/07/43 Fred Might Join Lodge
              06/08/42 Porch Swing
              07/23/43 Lodge Robe Needs Altering
C17878 ??/??/?? Owe $2
              01/04/43 Honorary Title
              02/17/43 Out Of The Doldrums
              04/05/44 Hyena Grease
              03/12/38 Russell Official Host
C18577 10/11/43 Victor R. Gook Fontenelle
              04/05/44 Formula For Hyena Grease
              06/07/44 Elkskin Shoe Laces
  Interviews - BOB FERRIS SHOW KMX Bill Idelson On Vic & Sade
  Interviews - WHATEVER BECAME OF Vic & Sade
  KFI CALLING Bernadine Flynn
                            Paul Rymer
                            Art van Harvey
C18021 01/16/39 Flower Garden Arranger
              03/08/39 Mr. Erickson's House Repairs
              00/00/39 Vic's Geographical Trip
              02/27/40 High School Gossip
C18022 03/25/40 Smelly Clark's Big Date
              08/14/40 Bacon Sandwiches
              00/00/40 Letter To Walter
              01/21/41 Demise Of Bernice
              01/24/41 Mr. Roebuck Waits In Car
C18023 02/16/41 Wive's Rule Book
              03/18/41 After Dinner Talk
              05/30/41 Five Men From Maine
              06/01/41 Calling Long Distance
              06/03/41 The Hammock
              06/04/41 Grand Old Lodge Lady
C18024 10/31/41 Broken Alarm Clocks
              02/13/42 Prize Clock
              02/17/42 Hank Gustop Hostess
              00/00/42 Trip To Dixon
              02/16/43 Leland Richards Is Coming
C18086 1942 Lodge Speech Rehearsal
              1942 Parades
              1942 Thunderstorm
              10/11/43 Victor R. Gook Fontenelle
              10/26/43 Honorary Lodge Member
C18085 02/18/42 Edith Suggins Visit
              02/26/42 Putting Up A Porch Swing
              10/01/42 Cherry Phosphates
              04/12/43 Dottie's New Dress
              07/12/43 Lodge Regalia On Loan
C18025 03/05/43 Dottie Brainfeeble Arrives
              03/31/43 Housewarming
              08/20/43 Picking Up Vic At Railroad Station
              10/01/43 Sewing Buttons
C18026 10/27/43 Thimble Club Meeting
              11/03/43 Watch Fob Collection
              11/08/43 Essay On Birds
              11/10/43 Phone Call Interruptions
              11/11/43 Baugh & Stingerberry
C18027 11/12/43 Packing Problems
              11/15/43 Ike Kneesnuffer's Snapshot
              11/19/43 Pom Pom Cordova
              12/02/43 Cleaning the Bookcase
              12/15/43 Color Of Gumpox's Eyes
C18028 12/27/43 Invoice Preparations
              01/25/44 MO State Home For The Tall
              02/03/44 Sixty Pairs Of Pants
              02/04/44 Mr. Sludge Grows Quick Mustache
C18029 03/01/44 Hank Gustop's Supper Party
              03/07/44 Proposition
              03/20/44 Mysterious Skulkers
              05/01/44 Lodge Holiday Home
C18098 11/26/43 Boss's Christmas Party
              11/29/43 Garbage Wagon Pass
              11/30/43 Sweet Esther Wisconsin
              03/20/44 Mysterious Skulkers
              05/01/44 Lodge Holiday Home
C18099 05/30/44 Lolita Direnza's Suggestion
              06/02/44 Cigar Smoking
              06/15/44 Aunt Bess's 5th Letter
              06/16/44 Piercing Blue Eyes
C18100 07/18/44 Sale At Yamelton's
              09/01/44 Arranging The Honeymoon
              09/05/44 Sade Reckons Her Debtors
              09/06/44 Silver Moonbeam Chimes
              09/07/44 Mother Of Pearl Box
              09/08/44 Chicago Trip
C18101 09/11/44 Lady Margaret Pinkham
              09/12/44 Changing Tires
              09/13/44 Aunt Bess's 6th Letter
              09/14/44 Gustop's Debt
              09/18/44 Greeting Cards
              09/21/44 Groom Arrives On 9:45
C18102 09/28/44 $2.00 Debt
              10/22/44 Vic's Unheard News
              10/25/44 Saving Blue Tooth From Tragedy
              10/26/44 Box Of Old Letters
              10/27/44 Bridegroom Disappears
C17879 ??/??/?? Piano Lessons
             11/24/43 B. B. Baw
             09/20/43 Teeth Photos
             DAYTIME IN CHICAGO Vic & Sade
             REMINICES OF VIC & SADE Frank McMahon
C17880 09/14/44 Pom Pom Cordova
              09/21/44 Groom Arriving
              ??/??/?? Lode Regalia Loaned Out
              03/17/44 Cancelled Trip

C17881 11/20/42 Smelly Clark The Barber
              06/04/37 Trip To Dwight
               ??/??/?? Thimble Club Application
              09/29/44 Goodbye
C17882 05/21/41 Key Collection
               ??/??/?? Solicts Gifts
               ??/??/?? History Of Plant 14
               ??/??/?? Con Artist
C17883 ??/??/?? Who's Who In Kitchenware
              ??/??/?? Easy Chair
              ??/??/?? Mr. Ericon's House Repairs
              09/13/44 Packing Problems
C17685 07/04/46 Restaurant Business
              07/11/46 Deputy Vic
C17712 07/18/46 Midsummer's Madness
              08/01/46 Lodge Officer Visit
C17713 08/08/46 Young Married Couple Visit
              08/22/46 Shoe Size